HaaS on SaaS

Jonathan Haas

I'm a product manager at Vanta with a passion for security and privacy.

Lead Scoring 101

Sun Sep 25

Lead scoring is a process that helps you identify and qualify leads. It's based on the idea that you can use data to identify and qualify leads, rather than relying on intuition or guesswork.

Written by: Jonathan Haas

What is lead scoring and why should I care?

Lead scoring is a method of ranking leads based on their engagement with your company. The higher the score, the more likely the lead is to convert. Lead scoring is a way to prioritize leads based on their engagement with your company. It’s a way to determine which leads are most likely to convert. No matter how you look at it, lead scoring is a way to secure your sales pipeline.

So why should you care? Because money is on the line. If you’re not prioritizing your leads, you’re leaving money on the table (or worse, spending it needlessly). It’s as simple as that.

What happens if you don’t use lead scoring?

The consequences of not using lead scoring are dire. If you’re not prioritizing your leads, you’re leaving money on the table, or worse, you’re wasting your sales team’s time.

Not using lead scoring can result in a lot of wasted time and money.

  1. You don’t know how interested your leads are.

If you don’t have a lead scoring system, you have no way of knowing how interested your leads are. This means you could be paying to run ads to people who are not even interested in your product or service. This is a waste of money.

  1. You could be missing out on hot leads.

A lead scoring system can help you identify hot leads – those who are most interested in what you’re selling. If you’re not using a lead scoring system, you could be missing out on these leads, and wasting your ad spend on those who are less interested. This is a waste of money, and potentially a missed opportunity to close a sale.

  1. You could be wasting money on ads that don’t convert.

If you’re not using a lead scoring system, you’re likely running ads that don’t convert. This is because you don’t know which leads are most likely to convert, and you’re not targeting your ads accordingly. As a result, you could be wasting a lot of money on ads that don’t result in any sales. This is a waste of money, and a waste of time.

  1. You could be losing out on potential customers.

If you’re not using a lead scoring system, you’re likely losing out on potential customers. This is because you’re not able to identify and target those who are most likely to convert. By using a lead scoring system, you can make sure you’re targeting the right people with your ads, and you’re more likely to convert them into customers. This conversion could result in a lot of money for your business when executed correctly and with workable unit economics.

  1. You could be missing out on valuable data.

If you’re not using a lead scoring system, you’re likely missing out on valuable data. This data could be used to improve your ads, target your audience more effectively, and increase your chances of conversion. Data is valuable because it can help you make better decisions. If you’re not using a lead scoring system, you’re missing out on these valuable insights.

Lead scoring systems are essential for any business that wants to run ads. Without a lead scoring system in place, you could be wasting a lot of money on ads that don’t convert. Don’t let this happen to you. Use a lead scoring system.